While each classroom has listed curriculum goals, the philosophy of our program is that each child is unique and will therefore acquire the foundations for learning at his/her own pace. We create the environment/activities, the children will remain challenged and engaged, and WHEN they are developmentally ready to absorb/apply the learning skills, they will.
Learning Goals
Social/Emotional Development
- Embracing God’s talents given to each of us
- Recognizing God’s gifts of family and friends
- Encouragement to explore/create in a nurturing environment
- Learning to respect other’s feelings, space, and belongings
- Develop independence/self-help skills
- Follow simple rules, routines, and 2-3 step directions
- Learn about the meaning of holidays
- Be community helpers
Language & Literacy Development
- Increase the use of simple sentences to communicate concepts and ideas
- Learn age-appropriate vocabulary enrichment through books, songs, finger play, rhymes & physical play
- Recognition of first and last name; knowledge of birthday
- Recognition of letters & sounds
- Writing of at least 15 letters (upper – lower case)
- Content questions from storybooks and related activities
- Share activities using own words and structure
- Phonetic awareness: oral language skills
- Engage in dramatic or imaginative play
- Sense of orientation: positional/spatial words
Chapel/Bible Time
- Faith development with “One in Christ” curriculum – Exploring God’s Word Devotionals
- Able to repeat songs and hymns
- Recite daily prayers; including The Lord’s Prayer and how to make prayer requests
- Attend weekly Chapel services conducted by Pastor in Sanctuary – Monday & Thursday at 9:15am
Math And Science Concepts
- Recognition and printing of numbers 1-20
- Sorting, classifying, patterning, sequencing and quantifying
- Demonstrate one-to-one correspondence with objects
- Sense of time (Days of the week, calendar, yesterday, today, and tomorrow)
- Recognition of shapes and colors
- Measurement, weight, cause and effect, float or sink, and cooking
- Explore physical, life and earth sciences
Gross Motor Skills
- Riding tricycle and scooters
- Locomotive skills: hopping, galloping, jumping forward, sliding, and climbing
- Balance, stretching, and dancing freely
- Catching, throwing, and kicking balls
Fine Motor Development
- Drawing, tracing, coloring,
- Tearing, cutting, gluing, painting
- Appropriate pencil grip/emergent writing skills
- Handle manipulatives (puzzles, lacing, legos, beading, etc…)
- Sing repetitive patterns and entire songs (at circle time)
- March/parade while playing instruments
- Move or use body to demonstrate beat and tempo (at circle time)
Time | Activity |
7:00 – 8:00 am | Opening Class – Teacher directed activity, 2 learning centers (vary daily), staggered arrivals |
8:00 – 9:00 am | Outside Play – Free choice table toys, bikes, balls, climbers, and books |
9:00 – 9:15 am | Bible lesson – from the “One in Christ” Series, supplemental stories from the Bible, prayer and prayer requests. Chapel held in the Sanctuary with the Pastor two mornings a week with the whole school. (Tuesday & Thursday at 9:15am) |
9:15 – 9:30 am | Restroom/Hand washing – transition to Snack time (school provided – see snack calendar) *Chapel – held in Sanctuary Tues/F @ 9:30 (snack is served after chapel on T&F)
9:35 – 10:30 am | Circle Time/Structured work time/Inside play Expose & reinforce children in the following foundations:
* Sight recognition of letters/numbers, sounds of the letters, numerical order, quantifying numbers 1-20, beginning print
* Science – (Measurement, weights, life cycles, earth physical sciences
10:35 – 11:15 am | Outside play/Movement/Games – Transition |
11:15 – 11:50 am | Second Circle Time: Movement, Story or Game |
11:50 – 12:00 pm | Restroom Hand washing |
12:05 – 12:50 pm | Lunch/Outdoor free play (yard will vary) * Bike Trail: tricycles, balls, climbing structure, hopscotch, manipulatives * Big Yard: climbing structure, slides, sandbox, sand toys, gardening * Little Yard: sandbox, sand toys, play tunnels, playhouse |
12:50 – 1:05 pm | Clean-up/Restroom/Hand washing |
1:05 – 3:00 pm | Nap time (each child shall bring their own crib sheet/blanket) |
3:00 – 3:30 pm | Restroom/Hand washing Snack (school provided – see snack schedule |
3:30 – 5:30 pm | Afternoon Day Care (children combined in the following: art, story time, manipulatives, bikes, balls, books, games) staggered pick up |
**Music** | Held in the Fellowship hall with Ms. Pat |
**Sports** | Optional additional program offered |